1 min readJun 13, 2024


I feel your pain. I was passing a kidney stone but didn’t know that was what it was. I had to call an ambulance to come get me as my wife wasn’t home and my right leg wasn’t working very well. I called 911 and hobbled into the kitchen to open the door (didn’t want the Fire Department to tear the door off the hinges). It was hard to stand on one leg so I laid down on the floor, the floor was cool and felt nice. The firemen asked me if I fell or if I laid down there on my own. The ambulance showed up and whisked me away to the hospital where I was naive enough to think this was going to be a short trip. There were 2 doctors there and about 4 people ahead of me. I kept asking for pain medication but they said, NO. 2 1/2 hours later I am in so much pain if I had had a firearm I may have done myself in. 10 people who weren’t there came in and left while I laid there in pain. Eventually the nurse showed up and gave me some pain medication and sent me for a CT scan. The diagnosis was Kidney Stone, why did it take them so long to see me? Other people’s ailments were worse than mine.




Old retired Navy guy. Dog Lover, advocate for old people, the homeless & our veterans. I Love my Country, my oath of Enlistment didn’t end when I retired!