Life at the movies.

3 min readApr 27, 2024


I am a Hallmark Christmas Movie nut. I know all the stories are the same, they pretty much all end the same, the snow is fake (sometimes you can tell it’s soap and other times it is white fabric). Which is odd since they produce and film all of them in Canada. I know it doesn’t snow in Canada all the time but seems to me it would be more realistic if they did film some of it with real snow. Or at least the man made kind like they have at the ski lifts some years. My biggest gripe is they purchased this huge building in Canada to fim in. So they can film all their movies without fear of the wind blowing the wrong way, or it raining, snowing etc. but when it is supposed to be cold outside and you can’t see the actors breath come out of their mouth like it is supposed to this is a dead giveaway. Another thing is when it is supposed to be night time the stars don’t ever twinkle and in the day time the sun never moves from one spot overhead. I often wonder what the A/C is set to when they are filming since everyone is walking around with coats, scarfs, and hats on. I do enjoy the pretty scenery that is often used as a backdrop to the story. The people who decorates the set for the film, I wish I had them come decorate my house like that. Let me get that cob web out of the way on that window seal and don’t mind that little spider down there by the plant, he lives there and eats the skeeters when they get in the house.

I enjoy them for another reason as well. The actors that play in them I have seen in other shows or movies over the years but never knew what their names were. They are enjoyable to watch doing their craft of acting. I could never be an actor because I do well to remember what I ate for supper yesterday much less what lines I am suppose to say. To me seeing them in a Hallmark Movie together is almost like old home week. I indulge myself to watch these movies when I am depressed. No, I don’t need any medicine or intervention for it.

Sometimes when big changes come into your life it can change you and your perspective on life. My dad passed away the 11th of April 2023. On the 3rd of Nov 2023, I retired from my job of 30+ years. The world we live in is so crazy now days I just want someone to stop it and let me get off. I want to move to a quiter place than the one I live in. The traffic, the crime, the noise some days is almost too much. My wife worries about how far she will be from Walmart. Well, what is in Plainview, Arkansas? Not much but it is peaceful and people are friendly towards you even if they don’t know you. You won’t find that in Conway, Arkansas very much. Too many people walking around with their face glued to their phone. They look like zombies out of a movie oblivious to the surroundings around them. We used to gripe when we moved here in Sep of 94 that the sidewalks rolled up at 6 pm and if you wanted fast food you had to drive across town to get it. That was easy enough since we didn’t have the traffic we do now, the stop lights, the roundabouts, the noise and the traffic.




Old retired Navy guy. Dog Lover, advocate for old people, the homeless & our veterans. I Love my Country, my oath of Enlistment didn’t end when I retired!