Life isn’t fair…

1 min readMay 29, 2024


I retired on the third of November 2023, the day before my 35th Wedding Anniversary. I had been wanting to retire for some time. I was just tired of the traffic and the newbie drivers whizzing around me all day long which was getting on my last nerve. 30 years is enough for one job. I had worked for 5 years 9 months and some odd days at a CBS Affiliate Television station. The job had lots of variety as work went but the pay was really really bad.

I was enjoying my retirement thinking of the places I wanted to go see and the new things I wanted to try to learn. I have been wanting to learn to fly, the draw back is most of the training is really expensive. No matter probably will not happen anyway. I spent $1,600 to pay for my mother in laws Bankruptcy Attorney the other day. Now $3,000 or more for a divorce lawyer for my mother in law. Her husband isn’t supporting her anymore so it is either pay for an attorney or support them till the mother in law kicks the bucket. I feel like throwing up! 🤮




Old retired Navy guy. Dog Lover, advocate for old people, the homeless & our veterans. I Love my Country, my oath of Enlistment didn’t end when I retired!